Caitlin Rosenzweig

Personal Trainer

Weekly availability
I am available during the week from open to about 9:00am and then I come back into the gym around 4:30pm and am willing to see clients until close! Weekend availability is much more flexible and I am willing to accommodate the best I can for any client!

Why do you like being a trainer?
My favorite part about being a personal trainer is being able to share my passion of fitness and healthy living with each and every person I get to work with. I love being able to teach people how to exercise, how to feel comfortable and motivated in a gym, and how to push themselves to get healthier and stronger!

What are your strengths as a trainer?
My strengths as a personal trainer are my positive energy, my extensive knowledge of muscles and body mechanics, creating diverse workouts and being attentive to my clients and keeping them accountable so they reach their goals.

NASM Certified.

Favorite moment as a trainer
My favorite moment as a trainer happens daily: I love the moment the workout is over and the client is proud of themselves for making it through and/or “hates” me for how difficult it was during it. It makes me proud as a trainer when the client surprises themselves and feels all those benefits the minute the workout is over.

What qualities does your ideal client have?
My ideal client is intrinsically motivated, open-minded, excited to get in the gym, and is willing to give it their all during the workouts to get the most out of it!

Favorite “cheat” food.
My favorite “cheat” food would be any of the dairy free flavors of Ben and Jerry’s ice cream 🙂