Dayana Reynada

Personal Trainer

Weekly availability
My availability is flexible: from 7am – 12pm & 4pm-7pm.

Why do you like being a trainer? OR why did you become a trainer
I love being a trainer because I get the chance to guide you through the whole process/journey to achieve a healthy pain free life.

What are your strengths as a trainer?
I’ve experienced sepsis at the age of 17. Which left my nervous system and body so weak. My body developed fibromyalgia, so guiding you through a healthy mobile lifestyle something I love to guide beings through.

Nasm- PTC

Favorite moment as a trainer.
I love being my clients experience the “f*** yea moment” because they’re getting that lifting adrenaline from the excitement their body feels.
The “WOOHHHH YEA! F*** Yeah!” Moment always hits my heart as a trainer lol.

What qualities does your ideal client have?
The qualities I look for in a client are goal oriented, open minded, ready to feel the change.

Favorite “cheat” food.
My to go to Cheat Meal has to be pizza! Or a nice size burger! LOL!